Potential benefits of sleeping in a recliner chair.

Potential benefits of sleeping in a recliner chair.

Lying in a recliner keeps your body upright and opens your airways. Going to bed in a recliner may be a better option than lying in bed in many situations.

A. Can it help with acid reflux?
The lower esophageal sphincter is the distal muscle of the esophagus. It acts as a door between the esophagus and stomach. This valve stays closed when you digest food. However, if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), this muscle can't close completely and stomach acid can go back up into your esophagus. The burning sensation caused by this acid is called heartburn. Many people have heartburn at night because when you lie down, gravity stops pushing the contents of the stomach out of the esophagus. Lying on your back may help relieve heartburn by keeping your body in an upright position. In a 2012 authoritative source study, researchers compared the symptoms of people with nocturnal acid reflux in two conditions. On the first day of the study, the sleepers slept in their normal sleeping position. Over the next six nights, they slept with their heads raised 20 cm. After study, 65% had less sleep problems after raising their heads.


B. Can it reduce sleep apnea?
This sleep apnea, the muscles in the throat weaken and block the airway. Often leads to snoring, waking up suddenly in the night and sleepiness during the day. About 60 percent of people with sleep apnea also suffer from GERD. Sleep apnea increases the pressure in the chest, which increases the likelihood of acid reflux. Elevating your head while you sleep may help relieve and manage symptoms of sleep apnea, according to a 2017 study from trusted sources. Researchers examined the effects of a slight head lift in people with sleep apnea. Researchers found that an altitude of 7.5 degrees significantly improved symptoms without affecting sleep quality. There are two older studies published in 1986 and 1997, reliable sources. It was found that sleeping at 30 degrees and 60 degrees also improved sleep apnea symptoms. These angles are similar to the position of a reclining chair.


C. Can it help while I'm pregnant?
Getting enough sleep when you're pregnant is more important than usual. However, many expectant mothers are at higher risk of sleep disturbances. For example: gastroesophageal reflux disease, Sleep apnea, back pain. There is some advice from reliable sources that women who are pregnant during the second or third trimester should not sleep on their back. This is because the weight of the fetus can press on the lower vena cava vein, which returns blood to your heart. This compression can lead to high blood pressure and impede blood flow to the fetus. Most doctors recommend that expectant mothers to lie on their side. Lying on the left side is considered appropriate because it does not put pressure on the liver. If you feel uncomfortable sleeping on your side, sleeping in a recliner is another option.


D. Does it relieve back pain?
Many people with back pain find it easier to get in and out of a recliner than getting in and out of bed. If you are lying on a reclining chair, you should choose a option that can support your lower back. Or you may find a pillow to help support your lower back.


E. Will it help after spinal surgery?
Lying in a reclining chair may be more comfortable if you find it difficult to stay in bed after surgery. Sitting in a reclining position puts less pressure on your back than sitting in an upright chair. However, it’s a good idea to make sure that your recliner offers adequate back support so you’re not sitting with a curved spine and putting more stress on your back.

CR: Healthline.com


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