Gallery @ Lamlukka ( BEC Showroom )

Lam Luk Ka Khong 4, Lam Luk Ka Road, Phathum Thani 12150
Phone 02-236-0054
Mobile 061-847-7272
We are open (Temporary Closed for Renovation)

Map : 


New La-Z-Boy gallery is now open for new potential locations, Lam Luk Ka - Rangsit zone, Pathum Thani Province. Helping to make travelling and shopping convenient for La-Z-Boy fans.

With an area of ​​almost 80 square meters @ BEC Showroom, a selection of showcases of lamps, bulbs and selected home decor. La-Z-Boy has exhibited all models of products to meet all lifestyles of customers, including recliners and reclining sofas, home theater sets, and power recliners. At BEC Showroom you will meet exclusive only@ models products that is available only at La-Z-Boy Gallery with special offer, La-Z-Boy innovative products such as "PowerRecline XR+" a power recliner that has the function of adjusting the headrest and the lower backrest, "PowerLift Recliner" recliner designed to help improve the level of care for the elderly.

In addition to the comfort that you will receive from our recliners and reclining sofas in every model, every style, we also provide guarantees to increase confidence in our products from our strong structure for up to 10 years.

La-Z-Boy invites you to see the new experience today at La-Z-Boy Gallery @ Becor Showroom, contact number 02 236 0054 # 511


Exclusive Product

Best Seller
only@ La-Z-Boy Gallery
10T-559 Eden
Starting at


Adjusted Headrest (only@ La-Z-Boy Gallery)
RHT-559 Eden
Starting at


Location & Map

  • Address:
    Lam Luk Ka Khong 4, Lam Luk Ka Road, Phathum Thani 12150
    We are open:
    (Temporary Closed for Renovation)
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